It's fed via a 5km long 1.8m diameter tunnel from Clarendon weir.faithinfate84 wrote:Is there anything interesting out at the Happy Valley reservoir? Always drove past wondering..
I've been interested in the Clarendon Weir also of late. Clarendon Weir leads into Happy Valley Reservoir.sean0038 wrote: Clarendon Weir also most interesting!
It's quite interesting, the tunnel that willl did was the OLD outflow pipe. The Happy valley water transfer pipe (Also known as dynamic pancake for some reason) used to come out the the left of where the new outflow and steel pipe is. You can see the old outflows headwall (weird high arched thing) as it's partially buried but the top sticks out. The old steel pipe that pumps into the reservoir was removed but you can still get into the old concrete tunnel that travels through the hill and into the reservoir. It has INCREDIBLY bad air because it's blocked on one end and there's zero airflow into it. I do a fuckton of drains and I was breathing extremely heavily and actually even turned around. There's almost nothing to see inside the tunnel except for roots that have crept inside. Oh, And you can't actually do the Barossa tunnel, I've been to the outflow and it is filled entirely with water because it starts underwater lol, that's why (If you've ever found it on google maps) you can only see one end and not the other like other Resi tunnels. They actually service the tunnel by blocking it off and even then they still use boats to go inside so that gives you an idea of how deep the water is. There's a star of David with a plaque on top of the outflow, and that's my proof I've been and aren't just talking out my arse, I didn't take photos sorry. Hope that answers at the very least the Barossa side of this thread.