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BDuke - NSW 17 years old, been draining since i was 15 but only really gotten into it this year
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Ive been doing urbex since I was 15 everything from rooftops, abandonments, drains, service tunnels all the sorts been looking for more service tunnels to do as of recently already done the ones i know of like Warm-Moist-Long-Hard-&-Deep/WummelHand, UNSW tunnels and parts of afterbirth.
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Welcome. Yeah, I got into drains as a teen because my dad explored them and used to take me along as a kid. I remember walking through Anzac drain in Melbourne as like an 8 year old. Then when I was 12 I used to go explore some on my own, but always told him where I was going and he made me check the weather forecast.
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yeah thats the same with my dad aswell although i wont tell him if im going to drains cause he seems to not want me to ever do them which is fair i remember him telling me he got a job at Sydney Trains just so he can get access to St james tunnels and the forgotten central platforms
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