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ANZAC Drain - warning
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As most of you would have heard, ANZAC drain now has a small fence around it with a locked gate (you can walk around it with little effort).

There is also a knee-deep dam there (you can't walk around it :D ).

A few explorers have recently been hassled by police & may receive court summons or fines in the mail.
They didn't hang around the entrance, were not seen by people on the river or bike-track, or did anything stupid at the Chamber.

This has happened three times in a short period of time (3 months) so it's possibly a coincidence or (judging how quickly the police have arrived) there may be surveillance on the drain (you wouldn't see a camera across the river up on a building, but I can't imagine it being manned 24/7. Maybe a sensor at the Chamber?).

My friend that works for MW has said the fence was put up after a rave was held at the Chamber with hundreds of people present and that by putting a fence with a locked gate they can now get you for trespass even if the Entry Prohibited sign is painted over it ripped down.

He said they want to stop people going into the drain (good luck).

Anyway, I just thought I'd give you a heads up. Make of it what you like.

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Ahh damn it so that's what it was... I went there the other day and noticed all this bloody water in the entrance and I just thought that for whatever reason it must've rained or something and it would subside maybe next time I was there but you're telling me that water is permanent? Like they built a lip to keep a pool there at all times?
Absolute dicks.... Won't stop me going in that's for sure.

I wonder do you know if the grill at the ****** is still a viable entrance? I never actually tried, just saw the helpful tags on the pipe on the inside telling me it was an exit and therefore I presume also an entrance maybe.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Echo wrote:Like they built a lip to keep a pool there at all times?
Yep its got a concrete barrier where the crude filter was.
Snapped this on Nov 9
Pic removed - Admin
Had works done on it early December if I remember correctly.
Echo wrote:I wonder do you know if the grill at the ***** is still a viable entrance? I never actually tried, just saw the helpful tags on the pipe on the inside telling me it was an exit and therefore I presume also an entrance maybe.
Looks entirely possible from the information on UER.
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Went there last night to see how bad it really was.
Me been me thought hey I'm not getting my shoes wet so I chucked them in my bag, put my shorts on and proceeded to wade in. To be honest the only thing Melbourne Water have done by creating this lake of water that extends basically all the way to the chamber is make Anzac Drain more dangerous. It certainly won't stop any true urban explorers that want to go in. Sure it makes it harder but I still did it. Took me about 15mins of nervously shuffling along the left wall until I got to the chamber. The water was between ankle and knee height at different points and was actually more of an annoyance and hazard than anything else. I was more worried about stepping on a piece of glass or tripping on a submerged object or been attacked by an alien creature than I was about the water itself.

So once you make the chamber the water subsides and it's just like normal. If you feel like an alternative entrance/exit I can confirm the ****** Grill is still working, although you do have to crawl through a rather narrow pipe in which you will most likely get a tad wet. And then you have to lift and push the grill to the side and hope that a car doesnt decide to run it over. Even at 12am it was still fairly busy, though luckily the cars were all keeping towards the centre of the road and I was able to get out. Major negative been that about 20 people saw me exit.

If you do decide to exit or enter this way don't hang around. I was stupid and hung around, needless to say a cop car was soon cruising just in front of me. Me been me (aka stupid) decided to leg it. Turns out my cardio needs some work. One cop stayed in the car and the other chased me down. I stopped running and put my hands up cos I really didn't wanna get tackled into the concrete. Long story short they let me go after I explained myself but still my lesson has been learnt.

Tip to Melbourne Water if you really want to keep people out put up signs that say 'warning crocodile'. That'll probably work better than your dam.

Good luck everyone and stay safe.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Echo wrote:Went there last night to see how bad it really was.
Me been me thought hey I'm not getting my shoes wet so I chucked them in my bag, put my shorts on and proceeded to wade in. To be honest the only thing Melbourne Water have done by creating this lake of water that extends basically all the way to the chamber is make Anzac Drain more dangerous. It certainly won't stop any true urban explorers that want to go in. Sure it makes it harder but I still did it. Took me about 15mins of nervously shuffling along the left wall until I got to the chamber. The water was between ankle and knee height at different points and was actually more of an annoyance and hazard than anything else. I was more worried about stepping on a piece of glass or tripping on a submerged object or been attacked by an alien creature than I was about the water itself.

So once you make the chamber the water subsides and it's just like normal. If you feel like an alternative entrance/exit I can confirm the ****** Grill is still working, although you do have to crawl through a rather narrow pipe in which you will most likely get a tad wet. And then you have to lift and push the grill to the side and hope that a car doesnt decide to run it over. Even at 12am it was still fairly busy, though luckily the cars were all keeping towards the centre of the road and I was able to get out. Major negative been that about 20 people saw me exit.

If you do decide to exit or enter this way don't hang around. I was stupid and hung around, needless to say a cop car was soon cruising just in front of me. Me been me (aka stupid) decided to leg it. Turns out my cardio needs some work. One cop stayed in the car and the other chased me down. I stopped running and put my hands up cos I really didn't wanna get tackled into the concrete. Long story short they let me go after I explained myself but still my lesson has been learnt.

Tip to Melbourne Water if you really want to keep people out put up signs that say 'warning crocodile'. That'll probably work better than your dam.

Good luck everyone and stay safe.
What's Urbex without a bit of water and a cop chase? ;) glad to hear it got sorted out. At least you got a story out of it!
“People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening.”
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Per UEGA CoC, please do not post specific location entry/exit details on the public forum.
acually is nuggs
My Explores
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rave? what like the clannies. new the cave clan would ruin it for all of us with their parties. only a matter of time
Go in drains :o
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damian wrote:rave? what like the clannies. new the cave clan would ruin it for all of us with their parties. only a matter of time
I got the impression it was just some random kids holding a party there. Probably put an invitation up on facebook and waited to see who would turn up.
Although could've been CC now that you mention it.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Apologies for the pic, mr admins.
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Quiktics wrote:What's Urbex without a bit of water and a cop chase? ;) glad to hear it got sorted out. At least you got a story out of it!

But running away from cops ain't that great. Particularly if you don't know the area well and they have a V8 highway patrol car. :lol:
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