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catchment release, valves, etc
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Hey, just as question as I'm finding it hard to locate info online. Was wondering about release valves and the like within drain systems. Are they used? Has anyone ever been in a drain when this has happened? I recall reading in approach.doc about water boards also "flushing" drains. How can you find out about this?
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Besides one drain that's not really a storm-water drain, you're generally fine. It's not common practise, and the amount of water required to actually pose a threat would be immense.

One well-knownish drain in Brisbane used to have gates that would close to collect rain-water, and then open to release that rain water to flush out the drain. I'm pretty sure this was because the drain was also used for sewer at the time. These gates aren't a thing anymore.

Your more likely to see/hear a few harmless centimetres of water rushing out of side pipes being released from somewhere unknown. They can be deafening and a few of them have given me a scare in the past :P
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Cheers mate.
I like to know all the risks involved, stemming from my anxiety issues and a somewhat strong desire to survive, and since info from water boards is no longer easily accessible I've been searching everywhere.
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