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A reminder for newbies and seasoned explorers alike
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In my browsing I came across this tsunami information image, as many of us explore stormwater drains I thought it pertinent. I know tsunamis are very different, however the dangers are very similar, possibly even worse given the lack of floating debris or possible escape routes.

Yes, I have been caught in drains when it started raining, I did check the weather beforehand, radar pattern too but.. it does happen. I was very surprised by the force of the water. Here are the claimed odds of death at varying tsunami depths.

Just don't risk it.
100cm – 100% chance of death
“You cannot stand. You’ll be hit by floating debris. The probability of death is high.”

70cm – 71.1% chance of death
“The force of water above the knees gets stronger. Even a healthy adult would get swept away.”

50cm – 4.8% chance of death
“Cars and containers float. You can remain standing if you hang onto something.”

30cm – 0.01% chance of death
“A healthy adult can manage to stand. It’s difficult to walk.”
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Good find :)
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Good Advise :D
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If you want to find out how much force a channelled section of waters contains go down to a canal during heavy rain. A dropped brick in the water will be swept away as if it was a piece of styrofoam.
Scarecrow of the Sydney branch of the Cave Clan.
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Wow, the jump from 50cm to 70cm is huge.
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Very good information.
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