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Melb's Random Meetup Thread - Page 15
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Drain explore on Monday for those that are interested. Just a quiet amble through one of Melbourne's better ones. I would prefer people are 18+ if they wish to come. Let me know. Thanks.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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TimChuma wrote:
02 Feb 2020, 5:50 pm
Looking at old expo reports I wrote in 2000 if I was too fat it fit in places back then I definitely am now! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey could you post those old expedition reports here?
Your first tip is asking for locations wont get any replies. Urban exploration. Not urban tourism. - Echo
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JustAKiwiInOz wrote:
23 Apr 2020, 8:34 pm
Echo wrote:
20 Feb 2020, 6:45 pm
Sorry to those I left in the lurch. Had a rough start to the year. Didn't really want to talk to anyone. Still time to make something good of this year.
Bushfires, smoke, end of the world plague... I sure hope there's something good this year.
Well I guess I was wrong.
Your first tip is asking for locations wont get any replies. Urban exploration. Not urban tourism. - Echo
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Anyone up for some drains this coming Wednesday/Thursday?
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Echo wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 11:26 am
Anyone up for some drains this coming Wednesday/Thursday?
the weather has been pretty bad for drains, how have you been finding it?
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kostalcage wrote:
25 Jun 2020, 10:55 am
Echo wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 11:26 am
Anyone up for some drains this coming Wednesday/Thursday?
the weather has been pretty bad for drains, how have you been finding it?
Honestly the drains have been fine, with very minimal water in them... just pick a good window where it hasn't rained for at least 12-24 hours.
Don't slip in poo
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anyone up for an abando tomorrow?
Wander often. Wonder always.
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hey everyone, im new to urbex located around werribee, western suburbs. wondering if anyone is up for meeting up soonish to show me some good places or even just tell me some good places to try out on my own

thanks everyone!
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It's been a long while since I've contemplated having a meetup on here.

Would anyone be up for exploring some drains next Sunday afternoon, weather pending?

Possibly Maze, or something similar. I'm on the east side, but would like to make it reasonably central.
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spigot wrote:
30 Nov 2020, 2:20 pm
It's been a long while since I've contemplated having a meetup on here.

Would anyone be up for exploring some drains next Sunday afternoon, weather pending?

Possibly Maze, or something similar. I'm on the east side, but would like to make it reasonably central.
Sounds good!
UEGA: Come for the lolz, stay for the trollz!
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JustAKiwiInOz wrote:
07 Jun 2020, 12:06 pm
TimChuma wrote:
02 Feb 2020, 5:50 pm
Looking at old expo reports I wrote in 2000 if I was too fat it fit in places back then I definitely am now! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey could you post those old expedition reports here?
23/6/2001 2.55AM

Old Russel Street Cop Shop (Sort Of)

As there was nothing on TV, I decided to go into the city ealier
and arrived at Flinders St at about 11PM.

Seeing as this was an hour too early, I went for a walk
and then came back about 11.20PM and went to every platform
to see if I could see the rest of the people was going to meet.

11.40PM - I thought I saw Cherry and Ladel, so I followed them,
then decided against it as they hadn't recognised me.

11.45PM - It was Quantum that came up to me
and asked me my name. He was soon joined by Cherry, Ladel and Bunyip.

12.00AM - After hanging around for a bit, Quantum tried to call ID,
Cherry went for a walk and Ladel handed me some chocolate (thanks).

12.26AM - Having missed the last trains, we decided to go ahead without
ID and about this time Tequilla turned up carrying a bottle of wine.
We start the walk to the old Cop Shop in Russel Street, with Cherry
and Tequilla in the lead and the others dawdling behind, while I
tried to move between the two groups to keep sociable.

1AM - After walking up the side of the Cop Shop along the street and
having the entrance pointed out by Cherry, it was decided we should enter
one at a time to attract less attention.

Ladel was the first to take the long walk to the entrance, followed by
Cherry, Quantum and Tequilla. Everything seemed to be going fine
until Bunyip went to go, suddenly there seemed to many people going past
and a passing police patrol didn't help matters.

I decided not to wait and crossed the road to the old Court House
so I could see the entrance. I know it's not his fault, but Bunyip was
having trouble getting in and to make matters worse a taxi pulled up
right next to him thinking he wanted a lift.

After seeing the trouble he had getting in, I thought "it's the bloody
Eastern Freeway Bridge Rooms Expo all over again!" I guess it would
be an advantage to be skinny if you wanted to go to these sorts
of expos. I was probably the oldest one there also, young whippersnappers.

I wasn't worried though and after a short conversation with Ladel and Quantum
through the entrance, I left to catch a taxi from the Ca$ino.


1:28 AM 15/07/00

July 14th Expo - Bridgerooms

Being an exceptional pedant I arrived at 7PM and ended up
walking down to Red Rooter for dinner (getting back in time for
everyone to start arriving).

After everyone had showed up at about 8PM, we all went off to get
in the room, only I found out I couldn't climb the fence near the bridge because I had too much stuff with me.

Waiting about 1/2 an hour, I met up with everyone at the far end
of the bridge and it was decided to go tackle another bridge room
closer to the city (with Fireman and Id providing transport.)

We arrived at the next place OK enough, but then we found out we
had to walk a fair way to get in, then walk back up the freeway once
over the fence to the entrance. When I got there I found out that
I didn't fit and climbed back over the fence to wait.

After boring the other bloke I was with for 1/2 an hour, we noticed
a divvy van go up the other side of the freeway, then about 10 minutes
later it came back the other way.

When the others got back I found out that they had been questioned by
the cops and asked for 'names and addresses', but Swipe and Skunk
had nicked off into the bridge room and couldn't be found.

They were still being looked for by Beanz and co when I left and
was dropped off in Clifton Hill by Fireman (thanks.) I also lent my
jumper to someone (DeadFish?) and only remembered when I was waiting
for the tram.

I liked the expo, even though I didn't get to go into any of the rooms.
I had a better time getting to know some of the people at the core
of the Cave Clan than I thought I would first up.



My first trip to the Main Street Gentlemen's Club

After meeting Doug last week, I was invited to come to the MSGC for
a combined birthday celebration for Mira, Nomi$ housewarming
and Doug's going away party.

As I don't have any commitments at home, I had dinner on the
way and still managed to arrive at the MSGC at 8PM.

Doug showed me the backyard and the shed that houses the MSGC.
What first struck me about it was it's character, many years
of 'souveniring' items from pubs certainly looks to have produced
a geat result. I reckon in 50 years time it it could get a heritage
listing for it's cultural significance (like that political grafitti
in Richmond that was in the news a few years ago.)

The history of the Clan as shown in the photos stuck to the wall
was also interesting. I particulary liked the '2AM pool dare' shots.

I went back inside again and at about 8.30pm after Dave arrived,
Doug started the video, only stopping to give a commentary on some sections.

Everyone else arrived from about 9pm to 10.30pm or so and the party raged on.
I managed to meet some of Doug's other friends later on in the shed and had
quite a good chat. They asked me questions about the Clan and why I joined,
but I couldn't really give much of an answer because I haven't thought about it much.

Quite a bit later, I managed to see a hammered Doug dance with Mira in the lounge room,
where they managed to upset Nomi$ by spilling his water.

I think it was about 3am when the last of the guests left to go to PANCH, but I
didn't because there wasn't any room in Cro's car.

The couch was very comfortable to sleep on actually (thanks Doug.) I was surprised
about Doug's house also, I thought it would be like the house out of Dogs in Space.
The fact that it wasn't is due to Mira and Doug's girlfriends, who should be
congratulated for putting up with all the people, Doug's dancing, stopping Mira
from sleeping on the couch in the shed and concerned mothers at 5am.
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If anyone wants to catch up and say Hi on April 17 then meet at the park bench near the play equipment at 12:30 in Grace Park (Hilda Cres, Hawthorn).
I have 25 copies of Infiltration Magazine #22 to give out (it's a long story).

It will be postponed if the weather is crap.

I hope to see you there.
All positive people welcome.


Check out my YouTube account >here<
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ironfistdoug wrote:
26 Mar 2021, 9:54 am
If anyone wants to catch up and say Hi on April 17 then meet at the park bench near the play equipment at 12:30 in Grace Park (Hilda Cres, Hawthorn).
I have 25 copies of Infiltration Magazine #22 to give out (it's a long story).

It will be postponed if the weather is crap.

I hope to see you there.
All positive people welcome.
See you tomorrow.
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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ironfistdoug wrote:
16 Apr 2021, 11:27 pm
ironfistdoug wrote:
26 Mar 2021, 9:54 am
If anyone wants to catch up and say Hi on April 17 then meet at the park bench near the play equipment at 12:30 in Grace Park (Hilda Cres, Hawthorn).
I have 25 copies of Infiltration Magazine #22 to give out (it's a long story).

It will be postponed if the weather is crap.

I hope to see you there.
All positive people welcome.
See you tomorrow.
See you then mate!
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ath wrote:
17 Apr 2021, 7:19 am
ironfistdoug wrote:
16 Apr 2021, 11:27 pm
ironfistdoug wrote:
26 Mar 2021, 9:54 am
If anyone wants to catch up and say Hi on April 17 then meet at the park bench near the play equipment at 12:30 in Grace Park (Hilda Cres, Hawthorn).
I have 25 copies of Infiltration Magazine #22 to give out (it's a long story).

It will be postponed if the weather is crap.

I hope to see you there.
All positive people welcome.
See you tomorrow.
See you then mate!
I'll be there. :)
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Echo wrote:
17 Apr 2021, 7:26 am
I'll be there. :)
It went well. Close to 60 people
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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Echo wrote: I'll be there. :)
I saw you there when I put your name up but it was so hectic I don't think I noticed you again.

Check out my YouTube account >here<
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ironfistdoug wrote:
19 Apr 2021, 9:38 am
Echo wrote: I'll be there. :)
I saw you there when I put your name up but it was so hectic I don't think I noticed you again.

Yeah was a big turn out. Good organisation on your part.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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UA is organising a Dungeon Meetup. You must be 16+.

When: Sunday 25th April 1pm
Where: McKinnon Station Main Entrance McKinnon Road
What to bring: Torch, suitable clothing and footwear

Wander often. Wonder always.
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UA is running a meetup this Sunday 23rd May. We have 7 people who have already opted in. 16+ please.


Great Staircase/Sloths
When: Sunday 23rd May 1pm
Where: East Camberwell Station Underpass
What to bring: Torch, suitable clothing and footwear

GSC is dry. Sloths outflow is wet. Below knee height. You're welcome to dip after GSC though if you're not feeling like getting wet feet.
Last edited by Echo on 21 May 2021, 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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*Great Stairway ;)
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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Echo wrote:
18 May 2021, 6:52 pm
Sloths outflow is wet. Below knee height. You're welcome to dip after GSC though if you're not feeling like getting wet feet.
I used to take my shoes & socks off and tread carefully for the minute it's flooded (or even take one shoe & sock off and hop not so carefully ;) ).

It's cold as, but it's nice once you put your shoes & socks back on :)
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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Doing some drains starting in Footscray tomorrow morning if anyone is interested. Throw me a PM or join the Urbex Australia discord server for more details.

Cheers, Echo.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Weigurb wrote:
28 Jul 2021, 12:45 pm
staff please..... I keep getting excited thinking I got a notification and it's just these bots....
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Keen to meet up and do some stuff with smaller size groups rn, happy to do some more stuff once ld is over. I've joined the discord too :)
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