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G'day All,

Brisbane based and am doing photography at Griffith Uni so would very muck like to have a crack at photographing some unusal places. I used to be a tour guide at the Undara Lava Tubes (Far North Qld) so am used to going underground :D

Sing out if anyone is keen for a wander!

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Welcome to UEGA, im sure theres few more people out your way :)
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Hello, there is some exploring down the bottom of the mountain near the hospital. If your intrested.
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Why do I always miss this kinda stuff by a few days... *was staying right NEXT to Griffith University*
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Where are the cat emoticons?
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Midget wrote:Why do I always miss this kinda stuff by a few days... *was staying right NEXT to Griffith University*
Griffith Uni has many campus('s?).
Not sure which one is referred to here, but they are all over SEQ.
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Nuggs wrote:
Midget wrote:Why do I always miss this kinda stuff by a few days... *was staying right NEXT to Griffith University*
Griffith Uni has many campus('s?).
Not sure which one is referred to here, but they are all over SEQ.
Campuses actually. It sounds way weird too.

Heh, I feel less bad now. Still, I did notice a lot of new developments around the campus I was on (the one near/in Southport). I plan to go there again soon and go craning.
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Where are the cat emoticons?
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Midget wrote:Why do I always miss this kinda stuff by a few days... *was staying right NEXT to Griffith University*

This uni is in brisbane. Its a guys name.
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Barnz wrote:
Midget wrote:Why do I always miss this kinda stuff by a few days... *was staying right NEXT to Griffith University*

This uni is in brisbane. Its a guys name.
Oh... I think. "Its a guys name."?
Subscribe to my journal to see random exploration photos.
Where are the cat emoticons?
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