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hey im in bris looking for abandoned places :D
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heyy im a 14yo looking for places to explore with my friends
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Hey cherry, great to hear you guys are getting interested in urbex!

Just wanted to say because you and your friends are still a bit young, abandoned places, especially in brissy, ESPECIALLY in the central city area, usually have squatters/crackheads.

This is in no way tryna tell you not to explore, but NEVER explore somewhere alone and make sure to really scout it out beforehand, ive found some great photography shots through urbex, but ive also come across squatters, cameras, broken glass, all that not so fun stuff.

And above all else, make sure to listen to your gut. If its telling you to leave, its usually for the best, saved my butt once lol.

I wish you and your mates the best with exploring!!
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