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Newbie here looking for any freebie abandoned spots in sydney please...
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New to urban exploring but have some mates who wanted to also give it a go and now we're all just trying to find any abandoned buildings. From what we've heard locations are very scarce and would really appreciate it if someone could give us a secluded first timers spot (we're all doing art degrees so preferably somewhere we can art on the walls)
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Welcome! If you would like to contribute something to the forums, then people would be more inclined to help you out.

Also please note that while exploring, doing art (graffiti) of any kind is not condoned by UEGA.
acually is nuggs
My Explores
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have you got any places or locations plsase? i wont leak or damage.
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viebxy wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 12:53 am
have you got any places or locations plsase? i wont leak or damage.
start looking around you will find some 100% ive found majority that way
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BDuke wrote:
13 Mar 2024, 9:18 pm
viebxy wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 12:53 am
have you got any places or locations plsase? i wont leak or damage.
start looking around you will find some 100% ive found majority that way
Yep, 90% of urbex is pouring over old maps, checking out weird structures on Google Earth and walking around.
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