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Everyone has one or two.
What are your stories with police and or security while Exploring?

The first that comes to mind for me was late last year exploring a huge abandoned manufacturing plant with a mate, the site had a very large, very rusty tower that was in the middle of demolition (https://imgur.com/a/n0Fu1) which of course... I obviously /had/ to climb. 20 odd minutes later after some climbing and photos (https://imgur.com/a/oThmM) I return the the bottom and of course my mate who was supposed to be waiting for me at the bottom is nowhere to be seen.

Won't respond to msg and phone goes straight to message bank, the legend has gotten bored and walked off great... to make things worse this dude is not the most subtle of people and this site has security and he has a ridiculous 5000 lumen Thrunite torch he can't help but flash around on turbo mode. so you can guess how i found him...

Face down in the dirt hands on his head with two hi-vis clad dudes standing either side of him one with a piece of rebar or something... me being the awesome friend that i am did... nothing, I actually thought it was kind of funny and watched from the distance as the police arrived searched him and took him away. I made my escape out the back of the property without much hassle. besides the fact he was the driver and it was 3am so i had a 18k walk ahead of me... he got an 800fine for tresspass and carrying a weapon (which was a green laser pointer... lol)

Moral of the story is... don't be a d*** with your fancy bright torch...
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lol someone was saying they were getting a 15k lumen torch...for urbex....good god!

hope its not a place you need to avoid attention :D
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haha that sounds smart.
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Haha what the f***?! I had a similar experience at an old **w** S****** when a mate and I decided to climb a rather tall smoke stack. However it didn’t end with us getting arrested. We saw the cops and did the manly thing and just legged it thru the factory and across the field, thru a open drain and back to the car safely..
Wasn’t so lucky when we climbed a crane in Parramatta one time... YouTube “Parramatta Crane Climb”

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In my younger stupider days....i wasn't very experienced and would recklessly do anything that popped into my head and..... was held at gun point by police for trying to abseil down a ventilation shaft into a railway tunnel...BIG woops! lol

I have been stopped a few times and questioned by security or police and just told to walk on with no fines or charges...even after getting held at gun point for the vent shafts i was let go and given a lecture on how dangerous urbex is....i think i was 22 at the time
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"I CAN'T!"
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Thyer wrote:
09 Apr 2018, 11:03 pm
Everyone has one or two.
What are your stories with police and or security while Exploring?

The first that comes to mind for me was late last year exploring a huge abandoned manufacturing plant with a mate, the site had a very large, very rusty tower that was in the middle of demolition (https://imgur.com/a/n0Fu1) which of course... I obviously /had/ to climb. 20 odd minutes later after some climbing and photos (https://imgur.com/a/oThmM) I return the the bottom and of course my mate who was supposed to be waiting for me at the bottom is nowhere to be seen.

Won't respond to msg and phone goes straight to message bank, the legend has gotten bored and walked off great... to make things worse this dude is not the most subtle of people and this site has security and he has a ridiculous 5000 lumen Thrunite torch he can't help but flash around on turbo mode. so you can guess how i found him...

Face down in the dirt hands on his head with two hi-vis clad dudes standing either side of him one with a piece of rebar or something... me being the awesome friend that i am did... nothing, I actually thought it was kind of funny and watched from the distance as the police arrived searched him and took him away. I made my escape out the back of the property without much hassle. besides the fact he was the driver and it was 3am so i had a 18k walk ahead of me... he got an 800fine for tresspass and carrying a weapon (which was a green laser pointer... lol)

Moral of the story is... don't be a d*** with your fancy bright torch...
me and a mate started going there early 2015, probably spent 50+ nights there. Twice had to leg it, once hid on the walkways as they searched with a dog! Had other explorers there a few times. Also had local kids throwing rocks at us lol oh and did you ever go into the control room for the compressor room? Fun surprise hiding in there to scare people! Epic hiding places in big salty! Going to miss it as its almost gone now :(
never die wondering ;)
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tommo wrote:
19 Apr 2018, 7:46 pm
Thyer wrote:
09 Apr 2018, 11:03 pm
Everyone has one or two.
What are your stories with police and or security while Exploring?

The first that comes to mind for me was late last year exploring a huge abandoned manufacturing plant with a mate, the site had a very large, very rusty tower that was in the middle of demolition (https://imgur.com/a/n0Fu1) which of course... I obviously /had/ to climb. 20 odd minutes later after some climbing and photos (https://imgur.com/a/oThmM) I return the the bottom and of course my mate who was supposed to be waiting for me at the bottom is nowhere to be seen.

Won't respond to msg and phone goes straight to message bank, the legend has gotten bored and walked off great... to make things worse this dude is not the most subtle of people and this site has security and he has a ridiculous 5000 lumen Thrunite torch he can't help but flash around on turbo mode. so you can guess how i found him...

Face down in the dirt hands on his head with two hi-vis clad dudes standing either side of him one with a piece of rebar or something... me being the awesome friend that i am did... nothing, I actually thought it was kind of funny and watched from the distance as the police arrived searched him and took him away. I made my escape out the back of the property without much hassle. besides the fact he was the driver and it was 3am so i had a 18k walk ahead of me... he got an 800fine for tresspass and carrying a weapon (which was a green laser pointer... lol)

Moral of the story is... don't be a d*** with your fancy bright torch...
me and a mate started going there early 2015, probably spent 50+ nights there. Twice had to leg it, once hid on the walkways as they searched with a dog! Had other explorers there a few times. Also had local kids throwing rocks at us lol oh and did you ever go into the control room for the compressor room? Fun surprise hiding in there to scare people! Epic hiding places in big salty! Going to miss it as its almost gone now :(
Yeah it sucks penrice is awesome, I missed it pretty much first time i went it was half gone and guards. Never even knew there was a control room. Spewing I've always wanted to find a big nice control room.
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The control room would have still been there.. Almost directly behind the lab. If you go up the stairs around the lab. Go through the entrance into the shed not the lab (2nd floor) you go in and to the right follow it along and there are double air lock doors and that takes you to the compressor room control room. The compressor room has an epic wall of electrical guages. Check awesome Adelaide's 'the both system'


So you didn't get to climb the kilns?
never die wondering ;)
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tommo wrote:
21 Apr 2018, 8:02 am
The control room would have still been there.. Almost directly behind the lab. If you go up the stairs around the lab. Go through the entrance into the shed not the lab (2nd floor) you go in and to the right follow it along and there are double air lock doors and that takes you to the compressor room control room. The compressor room has an epic wall of electrical guages. Check awesome Adelaide's 'the both system'


So you didn't get to climb the kilns?
Yeah spewing, never climbed the kilms I might have to go back there by the sounds of it, d*** head mate kind of cut the trip short haha.
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I and a mate once did this construction.
It was 50 od stories and I had done it before so I was a bit overconfident.

So we jump the fence and we walk around I notice that the entrance to the fire escape I had used previously was now locked up and I started hearing an alarm.
I should have gotten out of there that second but, because I was so overconfident I told my friend that it was just a truck backing up. we continued searching for an exit for the next 20 minutes are so till we both realized we were not getting up today.

As we began to walk towards the gate we saw two security officers pull up and begin to unlock the gate. We bolted for some crates! We hide in silence for what seemed at the time the most painfully tense 10 minutes of my life.
They eventually went upstairs.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity we bolted for the fence and jumped over screaming with joy that we had gotten away so caught up in the moment that we hadn't realized we were heading down a dead end ally. As we turned around to go back we saw two police officers walking towards ous.

We were sufficiently fucked.

What makes it even worse is we actually learned that two others had gotten up that exact same day!
What luck right.
Defy conformity, ignite change, and shatter their doubts.
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haha, Its always just when you think you've gotten away with it isn't it.
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Sylar wrote:
05 May 2018, 4:30 pm
Now tell them about that one night in Brighton :lol:
Wander often. Wonder always.
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For legal reasons I can't tell you my best police stories. ;)

But here's a few I can tell you.

One night over 20 years ago now (Yes I am old) in a galaxy far far away called Melbourne, just after I had saved to get my car rego paid some mates and I went to check out the old Burwood brick works. We had a favorite entrance and lace to park. So I parked and in we went. I managed to gash my head so I went back to the car with the others. So I turned up and there's two police officers looking at my car.
"Is this your car?" One asks.
"Yeah, do you want to see my licence?" I ask.
"Yes." He says so I show him my licence.
"What are you doing in there?" He asks.
"Oh just exploring." I reply. "We're not vandals. We just go in there and explore and wander around and take photos."
"Oh, what do you do that for?" An officer asked.
"Just for something to do, for an adventure and we just take the photos and share them with each other."
"Oh so have you got a camera with you?"
"Yeah." And we pull out a digital camera with a fair bit.
By this time he'd sussed that we were not vandals, not druggos, just idiots with cameras and too much time on our hands.
"Oh is that one of those new digital ones?" An officer asked.
"Yeah, it's cool. You can take hundreds of pictures at a time." Some one said.
"Well yeah maybe you should park somewhere else. We have a lot of old people living here and they keep calling us when you people go in there because they think you're drug users."
We laughed at that.
"Do me a favor and give me a call the next time you go in okay."
We were let off without even a warning.

Adventures with security guards were much more fun.
"Oh! That's YOUR web site!" ... "Yep, that one." http://www.uer.ca/urbanadventure/www.ur ... windex.htm
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Echo wrote:
17 May 2018, 10:32 pm
Sylar wrote:
05 May 2018, 4:30 pm
Now tell them about that one night in Brighton :lol:
O f*** dude god no.

Only u can tell that story in all of its glory.
Defy conformity, ignite change, and shatter their doubts.
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This doesn't involve an interaction with police or security but it comes very close due to the nature of what happened.

I was exploring a massive abandoned textile mill for the second time that day and everything started out normally.
As I worked my way down towards the rear of the building, I started to hear noises, almost like there was someone else exploring the building at the same time as me. Initially, I thought it was birds on the roof causing sounds to echo throughout the mill, mainly in the two large rooms where the machinery used to be. At this time, I was not concerned about anything.

As I got closer to the smaller rooms out the back, the sounds got louder and the wind also picked up at the same time so I assumed the noise was the wind causing tree branches to brush against the walls and rattle loose items attached to the outside of the building. I even jokingly told myself "I wonder if 2 groups of explorers has ever bumped into each other during an exploration". After cracking the joke, I continued to explore the rooms in the back.

When I finished exploring the back rooms, I stepped outside and started walking to the front of the building.
About halfway up the driveway, I decided to take a detour through the building and exit via the room which I entered from. The wind also died down and the noise began to quieten as I re-entered the mill.

At this point, I was now back inside the mill heading towards the room I entered from and I started to hear more noises but this time, it was not wind or birds. Then I saw something through one of the external doors. It was a white ute parked in an old loading bay, directly opposite the unlocked gate where I entered. The source of the noise became obvious.

With the adrenaline starting to dump, I walked very quietly, turned my phone off and walked out of the main workshop and into the room I entered from. I stayed inside for a few minutes, peeked out one of the doors, saw the parked ute and also the driver. I moved as far as possible from the door closest to the ute and quietly muttered to myself "Crap. I'm done for."

I started to panic but managed to regain control when I remembered the cut section of fence I entered through during my first exploration of the mill and that I had a second way to get out. This however required me to sprint across a section of footpath, climb a nealy 1 meter tall retaining wall and through an overgrown garden to reach the hole in the fence, much of this was within an area with an almost unobstructed view from the front of the ute.

The hardest part was still to come. Getting out of the mill and to the fence without being spotted. I waited for a time when the driver couldn't see me and sprinted out of the mill, up the wall and through the garden before finally squeezing through the hole in the fence. I then breathed multiple sighs of relief and kept on saying to myself "How did I do it?"

Once I was on the train home, I looked out the window as the train passed the mill with the ute still parked out front and chuckled to myself. It felt amazing. I had just successfully completed the greatest escape of my life.
108CAM Urbex Joke of the Month: "Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints.....Dora The Urban Explorer!"

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