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Brisbane Darkie Drain Info
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Hi guys. I'm probably gonna get flack for asking but I figured I'd try. I've only ever done the burford bat cave drain and a few small ones near me and have heard darkie is really good but is also far more complex and it's easy to get lost. If anyone can help me out with directions in there or even a map I'd be eternally grateful.
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I don't think you'd get lost in there. Maybe you're thinking of Aquacave?

All drains are dangerous and can obviously be deadly, but being from Melbourne I find Brisbane's drains in general are more dangerous. Probably because so many are tidal which adds to the issues if it rains.

Personally, I wouldn't just go into drains I know little about without someone who knows what they're doing.
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To piggyback on this thread with another question about the Darkie - I'd really like to do it, but I've heard that the council does flush outs at times. Is it known when the council flushes it out, or is it truly at random? I read that the water level isn't super intense, but I'd rather avoid it completely, especially with the drop at the outflow...
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the_observer wrote:
27 May 2023, 5:06 pm
To piggyback on this thread with another question about the Darkie - I'd really like to do it, but I've heard that the council does flush outs at times. Is it known when the council flushes it out, or is it truly at random? I read that the water level isn't super intense, but I'd rather avoid it completely, especially with the drop at the outflow...
No idea with Darkie, but every stormwater "flood gate" story I've heard has been garbage, however now that cities are harvesting rainwater, I've seen underground reservoirs that have gates & I wonder if they also use them for flood control - so if a reservoir was near full & a load of rain was coming, would they empty the reservoir so as they may catch more water in a potential flood?

Actually they do have a device that could let water from the ponds into Darkie. I don't think it would be enjoyable, but I doubt it would wash you out.
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ironfistdoug wrote:
28 May 2023, 10:56 am
the_observer wrote:
27 May 2023, 5:06 pm
To piggyback on this thread with another question about the Darkie - I'd really like to do it, but I've heard that the council does flush outs at times. Is it known when the council flushes it out, or is it truly at random? I read that the water level isn't super intense, but I'd rather avoid it completely, especially with the drop at the outflow...
No idea with Darkie, but every stormwater "flood gate" story I've heard has been garbage, however now that cities are harvesting rainwater, I've seen underground reservoirs that have gates & I wonder if they also use them for flood control - so if a reservoir was near full & a load of rain was coming, would they empty the reservoir so as they may catch more water in a potential flood?

Actually they do have a device that could let water from the ponds into Darkie. I don't think it would be enjoyable, but I doubt it would wash you out.
Cheers mate. This is the push I needed to get out there and give it an explore, although I definitely won't be going this one alone - I will certainly be bringing a mate or two for this explore haha. Looking forward to seeing the doll room in person :D
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Just released this one tonight...
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