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Really long drain along the Sturt river
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hey all, I've recently been down a drain at Oaklands park but I wasn't able to fully explore it because of how long it was. The entrance has three fairly big rcps which run parallel for a while and after around one and a half kilometers, has an offshoot which eventually leads to an exit at a train station. I'm just wondering if anybody has made it to the end of the tunnel and if its worth it walking all the way down.
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It's called gibberschnickle, and you can't make it to the end sadly as it doesn't really have one. The drain shrinks while getting closer to various gutterboxes, it's cousin xirth which is about 300 meters downstream however does have an actual ending. It's worth going to the train station from the side tunnel but I don't really recommend going past the major room.
Follow me on insta, @grimb0
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Alright, thank you for letting me know so I didn't have to go back there.
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