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Anyone want to rooftop 101 collins or 121 collins
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I love the view, and cinematic potential of 101 collins and 121 collins. Anyone want to come with or have any experience with rooftopping either? Or knowledge of the security?

Thank you.
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It’s been said millions of times, this approach doesn’t work and nobody is gonna give you the answers you want, sorry. You could try walking in and going up any stairs you can find until someone stops you. It’s an approach that might work, might not. Otherwise I highly suggest more conventionally introducing yourself to the forum (read elsewhere if you’re stuck on this step). Establish a presence and get to know people and what they do, make connections and help each other. It’s quite often a social hobby, so if you make a less demanding introduction, and try some stuff on your own first, I’m sure people will be happy to help you out.

(I’m my opinion you should get the f*** underground but maybe not everyone likes what I like)
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