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Swoo drain weird smell and substance
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Hey everybody, I recently visited Swoo drain in Sydney and had some important questions. Me and my friend went through the brick arch and made it all the way down to the part where it splits into two concrete rectangular culverts. There was a strange smell beyond this point and I remembered that if you smell gas or any other strange smell that you should turn back immediately as you can get gas poisoning. But there where a couple of toilet bowls that some had placed where this brown to light colored substance which I thought someone had placed in the toilet as a joke but looking back at old photos from other people the brown sludge was already there before the toilets where there so I decided to go further but I need to know if anyone else kept going aswell as I kept going through the low part but it kept on and going so I turned back just need to know what this stuff is so I know that its not toxic or anything thanks, awesome drain by the way!