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Mega Stairway
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Has anyone been in the Mega Stairway (Located in Melb's SE) ? I've heard about it and know the entrance but haven't actually been in or know it its possible
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Dougo's Tomb, Sloth's Tomb & Great Stairway are all joined by Back Ck.

All good drains. Sloth's is quite unique - especially the first 30 minutes. Great Stairway is awesome. I'd suggest taking right tunnel till you get to the grille room (tunnel ends there) & double back to the small crawl pipe into what is the left tunnel. Follow against flow to stairway. Dougo's is the worst of the three but it's the biggest of the three & has some interesting Graff. For those that are into the more hardcore type of draining, take the side pipe up Dougo's for about 30 minutes. There are a couple of rewards up there including a blue-stone section (all small).

There is a hardcore inlet to Sloth's as well. A good starting point as you're doing the worst part first & each step leads you to goodness :-)

Then follow creek left to Dougo's & walk through then double back once flooded & follow creek back past Sloth's and do Great Stairway and get out of a manhole after the stairway.

One of the best day's draining you'll ever do (in summer).

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Entry is pretty obvious from the road.

Went last week as its on the way home from work. The drain on the right was pretty clear but the one on the left which leads to the stairway had a fair bit of water in due to the gradient of the drain. I got through there with gum boots.

The expectation as you get closer to the stairway due to the increasing noise is amazing.
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I am aware of those ones, which I intend to visit this spring. I'm refering to the Sandringham tunnel though :lol:
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Haha. How in the hell did I miss that :oops:

It was one of the worst drains on the list, but that was before they extended the outlet further out into the bay. Now it's just not worth doing. It's been off the list for years now.

It was fun. When I last did it we had to run in between waves. Of course as the ground was sand you'd be bolting along when the "floor" would drop by 20 or 30 centimeters so you go down. On top of that, the waves that you dodge hit the bottom of the stairway and come back at you :P

Once at the top it's just a small pipe that does nothing.

I'd suggest Big Ear's Tomb (although you need some tips to get the most out of it).

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And here's a photo of one of us scurrying in (notice the water dripping off the roof from the previous wave :) )

I suppose we could have did it when the bay was calm, but that wouldn't have been any fun :)

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I thought Dreadnought was referring to Great Stairway as well. What's Mega Stairway? Is that 50th?
Scarecrow of the Sydney branch of the Cave Clan.
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:lol: I can imagine its very wet, I was personally wondering how far it goes inland?

@Scarecrow, its a tunnel about 17km S of Melb, certainly not the 50th
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Looks pretty fun.

Went on a bike ride down to Sandringham today.
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It's a beach drain. Once upon a time you could just walk in.
The section you see in the photo goes under the sand. The Stairway starts at where the hill starts and leads up to street-level.

After the stairs it's a 4ft RCP shrinker. The only good thing about it after that is the sound of the waves crashing.

Now that its outlet has been extended you need to do it from a manhole.

If you're willing to travel out north west, try 132 Steps or 150 Steps. Roxy's Tomb has less steps but is pretty cool - probably the best of the mega stairway drains.

I'll grab some footage of Roxy's I have.
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Scarecrow wrote:I thought Dreadnought was referring to Great Stairway as well.
But I named them so I should know :P :oops:
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Can anyone describe Mega Stairway? I'm really on the fence about wherether I should give it a visit, however most accounts of it describe it as average or bad, despite it's exciting name. Has anyone brave enough to have visitied the stairway give me a detailed account? I'm very intrigued.

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draindrongo37 wrote:
01 Jul 2020, 10:12 pm
Can anyone describe Mega Stairway? I'm really on the fence about wherether I should give it a visit, however most accounts of it describe it as average or bad, despite it's exciting name. Has anyone brave enough to have visitied the stairway give me a detailed account? I'm very intrigued.
dougo wrote:
15 Aug 2013, 8:28 pm
It's a beach drain. Once upon a time you could just walk in.
The section you see in the photo goes under the sand. The Stairway starts at where the hill starts and leads up to street-level.

After the stairs it's a 4ft RCP shrinker. The only good thing about it after that is the sound of the waves crashing.

Now that its outlet has been extended you need to do it from a manhole
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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ironfistdoug wrote:
02 Jul 2020, 2:15 am
draindrongo37 wrote:
01 Jul 2020, 10:12 pm
Can anyone describe Mega Stairway? I'm really on the fence about wherether I should give it a visit, however most accounts of it describe it as average or bad, despite it's exciting name. Has anyone brave enough to have visitied the stairway give me a detailed account? I'm very intrigued.
dougo wrote:
15 Aug 2013, 8:28 pm
It's a beach drain. Once upon a time you could just walk in.
The section you see in the photo goes under the sand. The Stairway starts at where the hill starts and leads up to street-level.

After the stairs it's a 4ft RCP shrinker. The only good thing about it after that is the sound of the waves crashing.

Now that its outlet has been extended you need to do it from a manhole
But what's the stairway like? Does it live up to its name? Any other features?
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The stairs go from beach level up to road level. As the message says it's just a shrinker after that. I have a few snap shots.
I definitely wouldn't bother with it
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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ironfistdoug wrote:
02 Jul 2020, 7:50 pm
The stairs go from beach level up to road level. As the message says it's just a shrinker after that. I have a few snap shots.
I definitely wouldn't bother with it
So the stairway isn't very "Mega" then? If you could share the photos that would be nice, I haven't found more than a couple photos online and none of them are of the stairway. I don't think I'll be heading down there :D
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draindrongo37 wrote:
02 Jul 2020, 10:51 pm
ironfistdoug wrote:
02 Jul 2020, 7:50 pm
The stairs go from beach level up to road level. As the message says it's just a shrinker after that. I have a few snap shots.
I definitely wouldn't bother with it
So the stairway isn't very "Mega" then? If you could share the photos that would be nice, I haven't found more than a couple photos online and none of them are of the stairway. I don't think I'll be heading down there :D
At the time it was found it was quite steep... 30 or so steps. There's a drain called Mega Slide where you walk in and there's a slide right away that goes up about 30 meters. Mega Stairway pretty much did the same thing but with steps so it was called Mega Stairway. Once they extended the outlet further out it wasn't worth doing. At the time everything was mega. If something was expensive it was "mega bucks" & fast food restaurants had "mega burgers". Virgin Records had its "Mega Store".

I'll share the photos again when I come across them next time but I'm 99% sure they're already on my Instagram account.

Maybe you could do it during the opposite to king tide but it's a bit risky because the sand can almost block the tunnel at times so imagine coming across a wall of sand as the tide/waves are coming in behind you. :shock:
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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draindrongo37 wrote:
02 Jul 2020, 10:51 pm
So the stairway isn't very "Mega" then? If you could share the photos that would be nice, I haven't found more than a couple photos online and none of them are of the stairway. I don't think I'll be heading down there :D
Mega Stairway
Check out my YouTube account >here<
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