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Preferred method of traversing slides in drains?
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This morning I elected to take a trip to Hexadus and Macka's as I thought they would be a laid back pair of drains to escape the heat in. After reading Panic's Guide I had expected the second slide in Hexadus to be somewhat difficult to navigate as it was missing a handrail, but judging by the way Panic described the upper sections of this drain to be adorned by tags and messages I had expected it to be reasonably achievable... I was WRONG. I spent 10 minutes attempting to crawl and climb up this slide with no success, when I finally managed to scuttle up I slipped on the water stream and slid right back down on my back.

So what I'm asking is: What's the preferred method for navigating slides in drains? am I doing it wrong? I know it's possible without a handrail because of the graffiti in this tunnel and the Slide drain (near maze)

The slide in question:

You can see that all you have to work with is the feet step irons.

help appreciated, thanks.
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Can you tie a rope to higher step irons or the grille to use as support?
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That's a good question - every time I've done this drain I've entered via a manhole upstream and gone downstream... never thought of doing it the other way.
Iso of the Cave Clan
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What are you talking about?
Oh yeah, I'm 197cms so I just walk up them ;)
Slide involves a lot of stretching.
I can't remember Hexadus being a problem. Knee pads and a bit of a crawl/shimmy maybe?
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In regards to Hexadus, how do you guys get across the river? Only way I made out was if you walked nearly a km towards the city theres some rocks under an overpass that you can use to walk across to get to the other side. But eventually the side that hexadus is on gets thin and you have to scale the rocks. Any tips? Don't want to raise too many eyebrows. Also, is Hexadus a small drain? I'm about 180cm.

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Do it in summer. Don't give a s*** about getting your feet wet.
Your first tip is asking for locations wont get any replies. Urban exploration. Not urban tourism. - Echo
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draindrongo37 wrote:
12 Jun 2020, 7:44 pm
In regards to Hexadus, how do you guys get across the river? Only way I made out was if you walked nearly a km towards the city theres some rocks under an overpass that you can use to walk across to get to the other side. But eventually the side that hexadus is on gets thin and you have to scale the rocks. Any tips? Don't want to raise too many eyebrows. Also, is Hexadus a small drain? I'm about 180cm.

Assuming it hasn’t recently rained there should be plenty of stepping stones to get across pretty much right outside the Hexadus outfall. As far as drawing attention to yourself, I’ve never found this to be an issue here. Cyclists have better things to be doing that staring at the other side of the creek. Also I’m 6’1 and I’ve never had any trouble with standing in this drain until far far upstream were it gets low.
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As said above, stepping stones aplenty during a dry period in summer. Doing drains in winter, in my opinion, is generally less comfortable. The water has been up and wet the dry walking sections making it more slippery. That wetness takes longer to dry in winter. You don't get that satisfaction of escaping the heat :)
I would go as far as calling some drains Summer Drains & Hexadus would be one with the slides being much more slippery. GOD is definitely a summer drain as is NGCD up where it turns into a single drain. The Hawthorn canal drains are all better in summer as are most tunnels that have round pipes. Even if you just walk through the water in the awkward sections, I'd much rather have wet shoes when it's 33 degrees and not 13 :)
Higher warer-level means less dry walking space (if you do want to try and keep your feet dry).
Not many, if any, drains are better in the winter.

I'm 197cms and have no problem with Hexadus. Mackas is a crap drain and is a crap height, but it's a bit of fun/challenge going through the small Mackas-Hexadus adjoining tunnel (which was only done in the last 5ish years).
When it rains, no drains.
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