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Geelong Cement Works
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Hey UEGA, just wondering if the Geelong Cement Works has a way to the roof or can you get inside at all even
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Mmm can't really say I'm in Thailand atm an don't really know much about Geelong only been there a couple of times
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No roof access. The site is pretty easy to get into.
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Most of it was demolished along time ago.
There was also an underground reservoir welded shut. Did anyone ever get into that?
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ironfistdoug wrote:
21 May 2019, 3:12 pm
Most of it was demolished along time ago.
There was also an underground reservoir welded shut. Did anyone ever get into that?
Which part of the site would said reservoir have sat under? I have never heard or seen anything along those lines.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Echo wrote:
21 May 2019, 4:49 pm
ironfistdoug wrote:
21 May 2019, 3:12 pm
Most of it was demolished along time ago.
There was also an underground reservoir welded shut. Did anyone ever get into that?
Which part of the site would said reservoir have sat under? I have never heard or seen anything along those lines.
It was near the bit they left but it could be long gone as I haven't been there in 15 maybe 20 years.
It had a welded shut door at each end maybe 30 metres apart. Brown I think... double door width.
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Just had a quick look on Google Maps. It's either unrecognisable or gone.
And wow! The lower section is a suburb now.
I am old.
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There was a train tunnel that ran from the quarry to the main production area, both ends were caved in and filled in about 2004.

As for the top of the remaining silo’s, we had some great parties up there, jeez, 17-18 years ago now. :roll:
The explorer in the west................
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Me and my brother took a look about 10 months ago when we were in the area. Walked the entire perimeter as far as we could go and was completely fenced off. Seemed to be some newish looking paths inside so not sure what that was for.

I’m guessing trusty bolt cutters have been used on the fence since we were there (were no holes at the time and some of the fence seemed newish). Or those better at climbing could easily scale (I’m not good at such so didn’t even try).
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DalekYuna wrote:
21 Oct 2019, 1:03 pm
Me and my brother took a look about 10 months ago when we were in the area. Walked the entire perimeter as far as we could go and was completely fenced off. Seemed to be some newish looking paths inside so not sure what that was for.

I’m guessing trusty bolt cutters have been used on the fence since we were there (were no holes at the time and some of the fence seemed newish). Or those better at climbing could easily scale (I’m not good at such so didn’t even try).
As can be expected with an unsecured site multiple new entry points have appeared. Still as easy as ever. Plus there's temp fencing running along the entire southern side, so if all else fails one can just walk around to that and it's an easy jump. Unfortunately access to the chambers under the silos has been pretty much cut. There's still one entrance (if you've never been down under you probably wont recognise it as anything more than a collapsed staircase) but it involves walking through some stagnant, rather nasty water. I know for a fact it links into the chambers under the main silos, however as I've already been down there I feel no need to do it again now that access is a full mission.
Wander often. Wonder always.
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JAVpenney wrote:
14 May 2019, 5:12 pm
Hey UEGA, just wondering if the Geelong Cement Works has a way to the roof or can you get inside at all even
Oh, to reply to the original poster. I wouldn't particularly call this a good way to the roof. But it's the only evidence I've seen of anyone being up there in the past 10 years. Unfortunately the video is taken by someone who evidently is not an urbexer because he cuts much of the crucial climb part. However enough can be gathered to know how he did it. It's really the only spot I ever though was partially viable. Seeing him do it spurred me to go and try again but with no avail. I think you need some serious upper body strength to make the climb he did.

On a side note. If that guy is actually who he's claiming to be in his youtube bio... well..... look at him on insta @mattwhyatt
Wander often. Wonder always.
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Bangers wrote:
15 Oct 2019, 7:17 pm
There was a train tunnel that ran from the quarry to the main production area, both ends were caved in and filled in about 2004.
A section of it appears in this video.
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