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Brain Drain
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Been told it's dangerous to go there at night cause of the homeless ppl that stay there. Can anyone confirm that?
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News to me...if it was used by homeless they would leave bedding and other items down there and i've never seen any of that sort of stuff down there
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Have you been there at night? My mate says his cousin is homeless and thats where him and his mates stay at night
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unless its something thats started recently ive not seen anything to suggest someone was down there...with the rain we have had they wouldn't be down there for long without getting smashed up against the vertical gate bars...that place can fill up quick...i cant remember the name of the explorer...but an explorer lost his footing down there during a surge of water and was pinned against those bars and drowned RIP :(
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The rain is the reason why i haven't gone there yet
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yeah play it safe for sure
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Brain drain is wet and gross.
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I really need someone to bring in the subscribers on my youtube channel though
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I want to go there. Maybe when it’s not got a high chance of rain though. Any one have tips or info about the length or exploration time? Thanks for anything.
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Lemon squeeze wrote:
03 Apr 2018, 8:05 pm
I want to go there. Maybe when it’s not got a high chance of rain though. Any one have tips or info about the length or exploration time? Thanks for anything.
Unless you go all the way up the back breaking top section the first part is huge ceilings but short walk with a few side tunnels and grill rooms :)
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If you can find the right inlet, its not a bad walk top to bottom. Im 178cm tall and dont remember too much bending over.
Never heard of homeless occupation until now but.. big group walkthrough sometime?
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Don’t see why not.
If you never go... you will never know...
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big group walk through sounds fun
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Not a loud big group? I watched a video the other night of Melbourne group going into a tunnel and they was so loud.
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Anyone got a good pic of the brain drain....My mate trying to tell me it's full of homeless ppl and druggo's
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here's a few
down the bottom

interesting feature

Upper end, its not that stoopy
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that was in August so i guess thats plenty of time for people to move in
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I seriously can't see anyone wanting to stay there it looks like it would be noisy
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I have never seen anyone or any signs of anyone down there and i was there last week...your mate is misinformed :P
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Yeah he was saying his cousin was telling him this stuff
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I think he forgot the dragons in his story
never die wondering ;)
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Those pics are awesome
If you never go... you will never know...
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in the second pic, the high pipe on the right is normally pretty dry from memory, mebbe people could live in there
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Is there only one way in?
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I’m not sure but maybe. I think maybe not though
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