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Sydney Random Meetup Thread - Page 16
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Up4nething, welcome back! Did you see much interesting stuff in your travels?

We might be able to get out next weekend.
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Thanks Sini :) OMG Chernobyl was A-MAZING. Mind blown. Found quite a few other things on my travels in Alaska, West Africa - Liberia has the most awesome abandoned hotel Ducor..., etc. So many photos to upload! Let me know when you head out again :)
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I might be up for something this weekend. It just depends on my work.
Stupidity helps you make the first step and sense gets you out alive.
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Anyone keen to explore over Easter?
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Have car, will drive.
Stupidity helps you make the first step and sense gets you out alive.
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Anybody wanna meet up for Town Hall / Central / Redfern / Bondi junction Tunnel Exploration? Keen and new to this stuff if so shoot me a message
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Hey back0wnag3, I'm good to go this weekend coming if you're interested?

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Hey let's do it this Saturday mate. Anytime is good. Cheers!
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We're up in Sydney for weekend doing Urban Explorations the whole time from sydney to wollongong if anyone wants to meet up, discuss places. Join us :)
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Hi emyboo, I am interesting in meeting up. Could I add you on Facebook to discuss more easily? 😀 Cheers!
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I'd be interested on Sunday :)
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What about Sunday?
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Yoooo I'm a sydneysider and would love to show you guys around, never met other urbex people IRL before. Is there an easy way to message but free all Sunday :)
emyboo wrote:
03 Aug 2017, 11:23 am
We're up in Sydney for weekend doing Urban Explorations the whole time from sydney to wollongong if anyone wants to meet up, discuss places. Join us :)
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Keep missing these messages in time! How about next Saturday inbredthunder? I'm a newbie to the Sydney scene
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I can go next Saturday 😀
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SuitsAtMidnight wrote:
30 Apr 2017, 7:17 pm
Hey back0wnag3, I'm good to go this weekend coming if you're interested?


Hey bro what’s ur facebook i’ll chuck u an add for some reason i can’t send messages on this website
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Anyone free this weekend to show my friend and I the ropes? :) Not experienced in Sydney... Sunday preferable
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hey guys anyone for a meet up, anywhere in sydney works ?
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Hey guys, just moved down to sydney from qld not to long ago. I used to explore drains and abandoned places around brissy and goldy but i havent done any lately. I done a few drains and abandos in sydney when i came down for a holiday a while ago but im keen to get back into it. Anyone doing any exploring anytime soon? Im real keen on doing fortress but not sure about access now that the grills been replaced.
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Anyone out in the city tonight, down to meet up to explore and party!!! :D
Down for anything let's have an awesome night!
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Anyone up for a stomp around North Sydney this Saturday afternoon?
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Hi All
Any meet ups happening over the next few weeks? Mostly available weekday daytimes, but can do some weekends.
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I'd be keen for a meet up around the Sydney area for some rooftop shots! Only available weekends.
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