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General Trouble Shooting?
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Probably not the right forum to ask these kind of questions but anyways...

I just have a simple question to ask, I was looking at some old photos of mine saved on a micro SD card and for some reason a few of my photos look like they've been rearranged like the sample below:
Anyone know why that is or if its reversible?
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I don't believe it's reversible (at least not programmatically).

A while back I had to run some "undelete" software on an SD card. Although I was able to recover most of my photos, a few ended up looking like your sample.

If it's an old/cheap SD card, I'd probably be getting a new one..
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I dont think you can correct them. My ex used to recover crap for people all the time and I agree with what Ayden has said. In saying that have you tried loading them with the card in the camera or do you have a card reader in your computer? Our computers were always built from scratch so we didn't always have them so I have no idea if they are a stock thing. You could try it in a few computers or opening them via different programs. One of my external hard drives wont read on one tv but will on the other. Worth a try but it's probably corrupt and you should try to store what you can off it asap.
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