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FPV quadcopters / drones
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Does anyone fly 250 mini FPV quads or similar? Can't stop thinking about a video of a FPV chase down a big drain such as eternity.. I have a zmr250, I'll do it one day soon :?:
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Discussed here although not sure if hando has tried.

Personally I think there is a likely chance of something malfunctioning while flying these things in a drain. Not to mention dropping the thing in water!
Just a harmless explorer. No need to waste taxes checking me ;)
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I am about to start building an FPV quad, friends. I would probably be wary of flying in drains but there is plenty of footage online of people racing them in very tight spaces so it is possible but you would want to be experienced.
Kids need to stop lighting things on fire or I'm gonna get arrested.
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